Saturday, June 27, 2020

Florida Alert! Fitzenhagen Tries to Walk-Back Pledge to Democrat - But We're Not buying It

NRA-ILA: Institute for Legislative Action

Florida Alert! Fitzenhagen Tries to Walk-Back Pledge to Democrat - But We're Not buying It

DATE: June 27, 2020
TO: USF & NRA Members and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
  USF Executive Director
  NRA Past President


After refusing to deny or confirm her commitment to support Senate Democrat Gary Farmer for Senate President when asked by a Politico reporter on Tuesday, Republican Heather Fitzenhagen has now rushed out a statement pledging support for Republican Wilton Simpson. 
That is no different from having NRA's endorsement and highest rating in 2014 and 2016 then turning around and voting for a massive gun control bill in 2018. 
Then, in 2020 she commits to supporting Sen. Gary Farmer, an aggressive anti-gun Senate Democrat. But when her betrayal became public, she reversed herself yet again and now says she's going to support Republican Wilton Simpson.
Does she really expect anybody to believe her? That falls into the category of "fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me." Sorry Ms. Fitzenhagen, we're not buying it.  We won't be fooled again!  We now know we can't trust you - EVER! 
Heather Fitzenhagen says she’ll vote Wilton Simpson, not Gary Farmer, for Senate Pres
By Jacob Ogles
Florida Politics
June 26, 2020
Fort Myers Republican Heather Fitzenhagen says she will vote for Sen. Wilton Simpson to be Senate President next year. But she’s starting to think Democratic Sen. Gary Farmer is pulling the strings in her Senate GOP primary.
“It seems to me that Gary Farmer and the Democrats must be getting a lot of pleasure stirring this pot and making it appear the Republicans don’t have solidarity,” she said.
The comments came the same day the Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee aired ads slamming Fitzenhagen’s record on abortion and immigration. The spot began appearing on cable in Senate District 27 Friday.
Florida Politics reported earlier this month Farmer, expected to become Senate President if Democrats regain control of the chamber, asked Democrat Rachel Brown to bow out of the race. That would allow Democrats and independents to vote in an open primary, something that presumably would benefit Fitzenhagen over Ray Rodrigues, who secured the endorsement of Republican Senate President-Designate Wilton Simpson last year.
Fitzenhagen doesn’t completely buy the story about Farmer’s meddling. “Is that made up too?” she said. “What I do know is all of this is to the benefit of Gary Farmer and not to the Republicans.”
The FRSCC  [Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee]  also issued a memo Friday saying Fitzenhagen refused to commit to supporting a Republican for Senate President....
Click here for:  FRSCC Release

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