Big News This Week
A GunsAmerica investigation has found that O'Rourke misrepresented and, in some cases, totally fabricated the exchanges he had at the Conway Gun Show on August 17. We spoke with the two men quoted in ABC's original coverage of the event, and they both take issue with the way their comments have been used and distorted by the O'Rourke campaign.
by Levi Sim
"I mean I got the gun for that purpose, but I never thought I would really have to use it. Like, I never thought I would have to use it ever."
by S.H. Blannelberry
"This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act."
by Jordan Michaels
An Alabama man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated when a local Sherriff's deputy cited him for an "obscene" bumper sticker that displayed a pro-gun message.
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