Monday, October 15, 2018

Close Call At The Gun Range (Hot Brass): Into the Fray Episode 240 - YouTube

Deal with it! Don’t be a sissy! Take the pain.

Hot brass burns, but the burn is not nearly as bad as the consequences you will suffer if you shoot someone because you are dancing around trying to get hot brass out of your shirt with a gun in your hand.

To me, this is just another indication of how far society has fallen into the “me first” generation. Idiots like this only think of themselves. But when you are holding a gun, you should always be thinking about the people around you. Never forget that you have a gun in your hand! Never! And no matter what happens to you, control that firearm at all times. Make it safe. Then you can deal with the minor inconvenience of hot brass.

The Scar Tells a Story

If the brass is hot enough to burn you and leave a scar, then you have a tough-guy story to tell your friends about how you stood there, flesh burning, while you first made your gun safe. Despite the searing pain, you accepted the burning flesh and took that scar just because you wanted to keep your buddies safe on the range.