Sunday, August 19, 2018

Liberal Media and Gov’t Officials Collude to Cover-Up Pro-Gun Stats – American gun news


When it comes to the natural right of every person to self-defense- ie gun rights, the left wing media has two tactics (and there's nothing tacti-cool about them). They are lie, and omit.

We're all familiar with the 'lie' part. That's where they distort or invent statistics to make it seem like guns are killing everyone and there's nothing that can be done to stop it except pass a bunch of new laws banning anything that goes 'pew.'

But, it's a bit harder to be aware of the second tactic, that of omission. One great example comes from the relatively recent Texas church shooting where an armed shooting safety instructor stopped an active shooter using his AR-15. It took Steven Crowder, a YouTube conservative comedian, to cover that story. No one else did. But the coolest thing about that story is that the hero pursued the killer while barefoot. That's our kind of guy.

There are lots of examples of stories like the one above that don't suit the left wing narrative which never make the news. But there are whole studies revealing the truth about gun stats that never see the light of day because Democrats don't like them. These are studies funded by legitimate research organizations, performed fairly and properly and show that gun control is foolish, wrong and unnecessary.

Back in 2013, conservative pundit David Burge tweeted as follows;

"Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving."

And that's just what they've done with this stunning new study which shows exactly what the title of the study states, namely; "New evidence confirms what gun rights advocates have said for a long time about crime."

The Washington Post lays it out pretty concisely, saying;

"Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes, according to a novel analysis released this week by the University of Pittsburgh. In the study, led by epidemiologist Anthony Fabio of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health, researchers partnered with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police to trace the origins of all 893 firearms that police recovered from crime scenes in the year 2008."

That's right, LESS THAN A FIFTH OF ALL GUN CRIME IS COMMITTED BY PEOPLE WHO LEGALLY OWN THEIR GUNS. If you take all of the people who have ever been convicted of committing a crime while using a gun, and divide that number into five sections, the section that contains lawful gun owners would be about 3% smaller than the other four pieces.

Of course, these numbers are still insufficiently nuanced to tell the whole story. According to other crime research, 4.1 percent of all convictions are wrongful convictions. That makes our gun-owning criminal slice of pie even smaller.

But of course, you've never heard of this study. It was first reported on by the Washington Post in 2016, but it's even older than that and you never heard one peep about it from Anderson Cooper or anyone else in the Fifth Column.

Are you disgusted yet? You should be, because this study confirms more than the standard gun rights advocates' claim that legal gun owners commit far less crime. It also confirms the fact that gun control does not work and that if you disarm law-abiding gun owners- they will become the victims of non-law abiding gun owners.

Here's another interesting stat. Over 70% of shooting deaths in this country are the deaths of foiled violent offenders at the hands of lawful gun owners. That means lawful gun owners are successfully preventing and stopping crime every single day.

As we speak, gun ownership is saving lives.

Don't fool yourself and believe that the people running the left wing media don't know that. They know the truth, and they know what would happen if they got the gun control they want. It would be a massacre of innocent people by violent thugs all across the country from coast to coast.

That's all fine and dandy. But the story isn't all roses. The study also found that the vast majority of gun crime is committed using guns that were purchased legally, and were lost by the rightful owner.

That means a lot of gun owners are not keeping track of the guns. Still, even with that being the case, guns are still saving more lives than they are taking, which says a lot about law-abiding gun owners.

~ American Gun News