Thursday, July 12, 2018

The UN Pushes for Global Gun Control – American gun news

The UN Pushes for Global Gun Control

It’s easy to get short sighted. It’s easy to focus on the domestic fights and misunderstand international threats. That’s a mistake. Gun grabbers are global, and they’ve already won in most countries on earth. The number of nations that still protect their citizens’ right to bear arms is almost non-existent, and it continues to shrink.

Worst of all, the United Nations serves as a forum for these human rights violators to push their agenda and continue to weaken the autonomy of individual citizens throughout the world. Just a few weeks ago, they used the UN to do exactly that, and the results are not encouraging for anyone who believes in the 2nd Amendment.

The UN had a two-week conference at the end of June. It was called the Third Review Conference on the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA). Yes, that’s the real name, and yes, the conference was as ridiculous as the title.

On the surface, it might seem like a well-meaning attempt to stop weapons smuggling. That would be great, but it isn’t the case at all.

Instead, this is a two-week anti-gun convention. Delegates from more than 60 countries met to hash out a document that numbered more than 50 pages. The bulk of it was simple lip service. Guns are bad. Guns cause all human suffering. Guns need to be regulated.

There is language in the document that is troubling for any gun owner. While the UN itself doesn’t have teeth, the aim of the document is to influence legislation in as many countries as possible to reduce gun ownership rights. That’s even spelled out in the document’s plan of action.

A number of guns and manufacturers have been targeted by the UN since the first of these meetings in 2001. The United States has always been one of the few voices of reason in their attempt to protect the right to bear arms across the globe. Considering this is a God-given right, that’s an obvious position. This time around, the anti-gunners were ready for the U.S. and they came out swinging.

The big push for change this year was to add ammunition to the UN’s ban list. Since they struggle to actually regulate guns, they could target a smaller list of ammunition manufacturers and try to put them out of business. Without ammo, guns are hardly a threat. It’s an insidious approach to increase centralized power throughout the globe. Citizens who can’t resist their governments are more susceptible to UN control. The U.S. fought this change every step of the way, but ultimately ammo was included in the new document.

It’s important to understand just how underhanded this approach was. You see, this PoA conference was aiming to craft what is known as a consensus document. That means the document can’t be ratified by the UN unless every party involved consents. It’s important for works like this that deliberately attack fundamental rights. Consider if the UN was instead working on a resolution to limit the freedom of the press. Reactions might be a bit stronger from many of the involved nations.

Here’s where things get ugly. The U.S. never consented to the ammo additions to this document. Israel stood fast with the U.S. Additionally, more than a dozen countries abstained from voting. There was no consensus. But, the document was still ratified. The progressives in the UN broke their own protocol in order to attack gun ownership.

It’s predictable, but it reinforces how dangerous progressives are. Just like the zealots who installed Mao, modern progressives are willing to abandon all of the civil institutions of society in order to get their way. And, what they want is no less dangerous than the institutions of Mao himself.

This is more proof that Donald Trump is right. The UN is a corrupt organization with nothing to show for its near 100 year run. Everything they claim to have accomplished was really done by the U.S. and her allies. Without U.S. funding the organization is nothing.

Moreover, without the United States military, there is no incentive for anyone to follow UN resolutions. It’s time to stop funding this anti-Semitic, anti-American group.

~ American Gun News