Friday, June 8, 2018

Federal Gun Registration Bill Introduced By Florida Senator

Hi, this may be interesting to you: "Federal Gun Registration Bill Introduced By Florida Senator"!
It looks like Bill Nelson wants to retire after the next election!!
Sen. Bill Nelson with Parkland students Cameron Kasky and David Hogg.
Under current federal law Big Brother is prohibited from tracking gun purchases. All transfer records remain in the possession of an FFL until a firearm is involved in a crime. Then, investigators can contact the FFL to get the pertinent info on who the gun was sold to. Only when an FFL goes out of business does it turn records over to the ATF's National Tracing Center in West Virginia.
The Second Amendment creates a balance of power between citizens and government. Any measure that offsets that balance or tips it in the favor of the state ought to be rejected immediately by our elected officials. Remember, they all swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…"