Thanks Steven! Go read the article when you have time, called "Defending against terroristic mass murder" by Massad Ayoob. Here's some tips I wanted to highlight. 1. Always go armed whenever possibleWhile it may seem obvious to you and I, the presence of a good guy with a gun almost always helps in these types of terrorist attacks. The article cites numerous instances (from 2016) from the national Israeli intelligence provider, DEBKA ( where armed citizens helped stop terrorist attacks in Israel. It's good reading and an important reminder about what works from a country that's been dealing with terrorism for many decades. 2. Remember the risks of intervening …Massad points out that, of course, there could be a danger of something going wrong if you intervene. You could get caught in friendly fire (or shoot the wrong person, as let's remember, happens with a lot of police incidents). But, he reminds us that the danger the liberals cry about are largely overblown, "The gun prohibitionists here in the States decry the armed citizen concept, claiming that "untrained civilians" will open fire wildly hoping to stop the mass-murderer and kill each other. The following is worth saying in all caps: NOTHING LIKE THAT HAS OCCURRED IN THE UNITED STATES, EVER!" 3. Don't draw your gun until you're absolutely sure you need to.Massad writes, "Don't draw your gun until you have absolutely, certainly identified your target, and are ready to apply force. In all the predictable tumult, you don't know what other good guys and gals are turning to see what they can do to stop it. They've heard the shots and screams, they see you, an unidentifiable person with a gun … and they may jump to the wrong conclusion. And, if the killer has an as-yet-unseen partner, you could end up like the martyred hero Joseph Wilcox in Las Vegas." 4. Once you are done shooting, hide or holster the gun as soon as possible.He goes on to say, "In the same vein, once you have the killer down, holster as soon as possible. You don't know if other good folks, including arriving officers, have come in knowing someone is killing the innocent, and has just seen "unidentifiable you" gun down a man they don't realize is the real danger. Minimizing the possibility of a mistaken identity shooting on either side of your gun is imperative." Another alternative to holstering as soon as possible, is to keep the gun out but hidden, so as not to look like the mass murderer you just engaged and avoid friendly fire that way. Greg Ellifritz in this excellent article on weapon handling in an active killer event writes (emphasis mine) "If you choose to act, get your gun out of sight as soon as the threat is neutralized. Holster it. Keep your hand on the gun if you think you need to, but don't be in a high-profile shooting stance. If you feel safe doing so, put your hands up in the air to show responding cops that you aren't a threat. Position "Sul" is useful here too if the threat is still active. Even a modified "Sul" with the weak hand hiding the gun would be a good option. The closer the gun is to the body, the less visible it is to responding cops. If the other hand is shielding it, even better." 5. Practice marksmanship (especially head shots!)"Understand that marksmanship skill will be critical!" Massad Ayoob continues, "The scenario is likely to contain multiple, panicking, running, innocent people. More and more, police are training to go for brain shots on terrorists. They may be wearing "bomb vests" that can be detonated by a bullet's impact, killing or maiming every innocent victim within a radius of many yards of the wearer. They may also be wearing bullet-resistant vests. In Tyler, Texas, some years ago, heroic armed citizen Mark Wilson stopped a mass murder at a courthouse when he shot down the AK-wielding gunman. However, his bullets had stopped on the murderer's concealed ballistic vest, and while Wilson was reloading, he was killed when the gunman jumped back up and shot him. The killer fled, and was subsequently slain by a heroic Tyler cop, Rusty Jacks, whose hand I am proud to say I was later able to shake in congratulation." "Another rationale for the brain shot was seen in a recent case in Israel, which you can find on Google or YouTube. Security cameras caught the jihadi using his car to run up on the sidewalk and crush a rabbi to death, and then jump out of the vehicle and begin stabbing. An armed citizen shot him down. He jumped back up, was shot down again, and then it happened again. Two lessons: a brain shot keeps killers down, and the 9mm full metal ammunition believed to have been used in that incident is notorious for poor "stopping power." Have your handgun loaded with hollow points: they're distinctly more dynamic on body shots, and also less likely to ricochet off a human skull and be deflected from their underlying target." Again, as I've written before, practice your head shots! 6. Consider shooting from the kneeling positionHere's one that I don't practice enough, although I should … "With all those bystanders in mind, be prepared to drop to kneeling or a deep crouch when you fire, so a bullet that misses or over-penetrates the killer is more likely to pass over the heads of anyone behind him." This is great advice if you can apply it. All your shots going up at an angle, if any miss, or pass through, should be less likely to hit an innocent on the scene. Remember safety rule #4, be sure of your target and what's beyond it. Plan accordingly. 7. Use cover and concealment.Lastly, Ayoob reminds us, "And, as always, take the best cover you can. Whether he's dispensing bullets or bombs, you're in the path of the killer's destruction." Remember, cover stops bullets (concrete, metal, dirt, etc) while concealment only hides you. It's a good practice to look around wherever you go and try to identify cover and/or concealment in case anything happens. -------Original Message------- From: Steven Kaplan Date: 8/9/2016 9:24:43 AM To: Steven Kaplan Subject: 7 Tips For Armed Citizens To Fight Terrorists (By Massad Ayoob) | ||